Day lighting systems, such as skylights or solatubes, are excellent ways to conserve energy while using natural sunlight. Depending on the project, either choice can be utilized.
Skylights are offered in various product lines which service the industrial, retail, commercial, municipal and residential markets. The skylight market has evolved to add architectural beauty in their design while conserving energy. Skylights are an exceptional way to receive LEED credits (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) which is a green building certification program that recognizes best-in-class building strategies and practices.
Like Skylights, Solatubes (or sometimes called Tubular Skylights) is also an exceptional way to receive LEED credits. This affordable and high-performance lighting solution bring day light into interior spaces where windows and the traditional skylight can not. Solatube day lighting employs patented technology to sift damaging ultraviolet rays, reduce glare and varying light patterns. Additionally, solatubes offer a dimmer option that works like your light switch!
More school districts are installing solatubes to save money for their district, but also creating a comfortable learning environment for their students.